
14 January 2022 · 1 min read

...is there to lose?

You know none of this is actually your’s right? The illusion is grand but that’s all it is - a fucking illusion.

An illusion that you can actually control stuff what’s going on. That you belong, or don’t belong. That you can achieve it or can’t. That you keep it forever and take it with you.

You will die.

Your kids will die.

The person you love will die.

Mum and Dad will die.

Friends will die.

Everyone will die.

And what will they say when you’re gone?

That you lived in a courageous way, unafraid to take the next step?

Or that you were a complete pussy, who was scared to push outside his comfort zone?

You choose. You act.


Because yesterday is a footnote and tomorrow will never exist.